Sunday, October 25, 2009

The Calendar must be lying

Today I looked at the date and almost died. I usually am oblivious to the date, just following autopilot and living day to day because the days have been so overscheduled and crazy lately. How can it already be the end of October, I should know this since the house has been decorated for Halloween, we went to a fabulous and fun Halloween party last night, the costumes are purchased and we are listening to Halloween music as I right this, but somehow, I always had it in my head that the 1/2 marathon in January would not get scary until November and now November is a week away! Yikes and since the 1/2 is January 9th that means I only have two months left to train, it is essentially crunch time. Time to sink or swim and I plan on becoming an olympic swimmer!

So to recap, I started in April a full fledged heffalump, unhealthy, not exercising, horrible eater, overall 100 pounds overweight and depressed. I decided to start running and change my life and loose weight and get healthy while raising money for breast cancer. It has indeed been a journey, but it is still the beginning. I have lost weight, but still have a lot to lose, I have made incredible progress in my running, but still have a long way to go. I have changed my eating habits, fallen in love with a new sport, become addicted to races, made new friends, met wonderful people along the way and gotten my children, husband and friends involved in my journey.

I have been slowly trying to remove the unhealthy habits piece by piece. First, I started exercising, then I gave up soda, then I gave up fast food, then, I changed the way I approached food, focusing on making small changes. I would use mustard instead of mayonaise for example, I would use light cheese instead of full fat. Now there is only one BIG change I need to make. I am ready to do it, I have to do it, I think this will help me lose the 20 pounds I want to lose by January 9. I am going to mostly cut all alcohol out of my diet. I am going to allow myslef one night for date nights, events ect, but by and by I am going dry. I am considering myself pregnant and this 1/2 marathon and full marathon is my baby.

I hope this will improve my running, my weight loss and my overall health. It will be hard on the stressful days, on the tough days, when a glass of wine seems like the only antidote, but I will find some other reward system for a bad day.

This is a journey and I need to make this happen, for me, for my kids, for my husband, for my future.

If you think you can you will for it's all in the state of mind....

1 comment:

  1. I love following your journey as I begin mine. Thank you so much for sharing with this blog! You have more people rooting for you than you know!
