Saturday, September 5, 2009

And the Clock Ticks

Sorry I have been neglecting my blog lately, just enjoying the final days of summer. So some random things I have learned about running and me as a runner from my perspective.

1. I hope I never have to run on a treadmill again, I feel like it is not running and it is impossible to get that feeling of spiritual freedom and release you can achieve when outside from running on a treadmill.
2. Running as a sport is way more complicated than Field Hockey.
3. Having an ample chest easily should grant you a 3 minute per mile handicap in races,
4. Running alone does not make you lose weight, in fact, it makes you hungrier.
5. My legs are starting to get scary with the muscles that are appearing.
6. I am not an early morning runner, I am more of a 9am runner or a 5pm runner.
7. I subscribed to my first running magazine!
8. I now fully understand hydration and look like a complete goober when I run with my hydration belt filled with GNU water bottles.
9. I know I need to start strength training and core training, that is my next mystery to challenge.
10. I am up to 7.3 miles on my long run and ran for 2 hours straight last week.
11. I am terrified by my slow pace. I am not getting faster yet and it scares me.
12. Sometimes a run still really hurts and is mentally tough as well as physically tough.
13. This is a sport I would like to continue for the rest of my life.
14. I think it is amusing when so may people tell me they can never run long distances,, but yet have never tried and are way more fit than me and a million pounds lighter.
15. Everyone can run if you just get out there and do it and believe you can.
16. If you don't think you can do it, you won't, if you believe you can, you will!

Some random thoughts above. I have been having fun with training, dealing with a lot of anxiety of will I be ready can I do this now that the main event is only four months away. I know when the cold weather sets in I am going to have to purchase and learn about running with a whole new set of gear.

My plan now that school is coming next week is to run between 3 and 5 miles Monday and Wednesday, do a long run Friday am. Cross train and strength train Tuesday and Thursday and look for fun races on the weekends. I am hoping I can drop another 30 pounds in the next four months.

I need to turn on the juice when it comes to fundraising. Hopefully people will realize that this is the real deal now and I am really going to run 13 miles in Disney with the hope of raising a couple of thousands of dollars to fight breast cancer. The plane tickets have been purchased, my body is in training, this is plan in motion.

Come run with me! Honk at me if you see me running come to my party at flynnies in early November, buy a raffle ticket for the raffle I am going to have, mostly, please support me in my quest to fight cancer!