Sunday, March 14, 2010

Training Confusion

Ok I think training for a marathon especially the Boston marathon is a lot more complex than training for a 1/2 marathon. There are tons of different opinions out there on how often and how much to run, how often and how much to cross train. The different types of running you should be doing. All of this has left me very very confused.

The one constant I know is that I need to do a long run of increasing distance each week.

I also now know that I need to focus on running hills for one of my hour long runs each week.

I also have decided to run one temo run each week where I vary my speeds.

I am also considering adding in another run each week just to up my fitness level and see if I can drop a few more pounds.

Cross training is hard, due to limited time.

I have been frustrated by some blogs that are out there right now. I have been looking for resources on fat runers like me and came acrosss one obnoxious man who stated in his blog that fat people had no business running and training for a marathon because it is obviously not working for you.

I am going to keep on trying, keep my head up and know that if I keep working hard and believe in myself, I can do this.

I want to finish even if it takes me 7-8 hours, I want to cross that finish line and fat or not I believe that if you are willing to train and go for it then you should do it with your head held high.

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