Friday, May 29, 2009

Getting Back in to it

Three weeks ago, I had a severe case of shin splints. The pain was so intense that I could barely walk. I iced, I swam and water jogged, I invested in new sneakers and went to Disney World; where magical pixie dust healed them. Ok, it is kind of scary that I do believe that could happen, anyway, back to my story.

I guess I have to say that I did not do any traditional workouts for those eight magical days. However, I did walk for about 6-8 hours everyday while pushing between 20-70 pounds of children in strollers at any moment. I think that might count as logging some walking workouts.

The good news is that by midweek, my shins were back to normal. We arrived back home last Saturday and I did not get any workouts in until today due to getting the household back into shape.

This morning I awoke to an organized house and felt overwhelmed with anxiety about getting back into it. Had I been bad by going away and not working out? Will I be able to pick up where I left off? Well, where I left off was not really that impressive. I decided to ease back into the workouts today with a swim/water jog. It was raining so I could not run outsie. I put poor Amelia in the torture room at the Y, oops I meant babysitting room where she proceded to cry for an hour. No guilt, no gain, I mean no pain no gain right?

I had a great swim, swam for an hour, 40 laps of breast stroke, 6 of kickboarding, 6 of water jogging. Not huge numbers to put up in an hour, but I feel good.

Tomorrow morning I am going to attept a longer jog/walk. I am looking to do two 5Ks by the end of June and drop ten more pounds by the end of June. I am thinking of joining weight watchers although I barely have time to work out not sure how I will fit that in with four kids home from school in 22 days. I am nervous about running tomorrow, but excited too.

I am very thankful to be on an amazing running team that has been a wonderful source of support and knowledge and am more dedicated than ever to completing this 1/2 marathon and raising money for breast cancer.

Please share you advice, tips and support. I am especially interested in fundraising tips and ideas. Feel free to share my blog with family and friends who have been touchd by breast cancer or are taking on a body improvement project themselves.

1 comment:

  1. I am truly impressed with your devotion to this. It is a journey and I know excatly what you are going through. I like the term heffalump, because that is EXACTLY how I felt/feel about the weight I have gained over the past 15 years. I would definiely suggest Weight Watchers, I did them and lost a good a amount of weight, but with school and all, I fell out of favor. My husband just got me the Jillian Michaels Wii game, so I'm gonna start that up very soon. All I can say is stay encourgaed, you are doing great and I'm cheering you on girl!!!
